Monday, November 19, 2007

Check Your Baggage

We've now completed three weeks of 'Check Your Baggage', together diving into Matthew 5 and exploring the baggage Jesus asks us to leave behind (check) as we follow him. I hope you are enjoying this series, I know it has been a joy (and challenge) to preach from.

So of the three 'bags' (self-worth, self-righteousness, and self-serving), which is the most difficult for you to leave behind? You probably caught it in my messages, but for me it's leaving behind my self-worth, leaving behind how the world defines success and embracing what God declares to be true. I'd love to hear from you . . .

Happy Thanksgiving!


Karl Marsack said...

I've really enjoyed this entire series on the beatitudes and the idea of checking our baggage. I think we all spend a lot of time trying to steer our own lives in the direction that we want it to go, and we spend a lot of time trying to make it appear like we have everything under control. We try to take care of things ourselves. This series has helped me to take a look at myself and realize what parts of my life I try to control without God's help. It's harder to carry around that baggage of shortcomings rather admit them. "I'll do better.." "I'll try harder.." " least I'm not like that guy.." It's easier to unload our troubles and shortcomings before God and put Faith in the One that really is in control.
We've heard messages from several people and it's been an inspiring series for me.

The Davies Family said...

"It's harder to carry around that baggage of shortcomings rather than admit them." Amen.
Can we book you for a message one sunday?
Great to have you on the stix!