Monday, October 22, 2007

"Not a big enough job . . ."

This past Sunday we got to dive into one of my favorite mission passages in the Bible- Isaiah 49:6. Basically, God invites us to think big when it comes to His mission. He invites us to avoid the distractions and temptations that so easily prevent us from seeing His grander mission and purpose for our lives.

I even work in the church, and it's easy for me to lose focus and get caught in the day-to-day tasks of life. But I pray Sunday was an opportunity to recalibrate and realign with God's mission, and just think bigger than your own . . .

Blessings on your journey, and see you Sunday as we wrap up One.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,
Congrats on Amplified! How awesome to see a church push the envelope to reach and strengthen people.
James Whatley