Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Merciful Father

Nikki, great thoughts on "being" rather than "doing". Let's keep those comments challenging us.

Hopefully, by taking a look at the parable of the prodigal son this morning highlights for us that no matter what we are "doing" or have "done" we simply "are" God's children. We are His forgiven, loved, sought after offspring. The story really isn't about the prodigal son, but the Merciful Father and his capacity for love and forgiveness.

Two thoughts.....
One, how does this love and forgiveness change us as we go through our week?
Two, how might we as Christians in our own lives, within our own families, and through our own experiences be able to pass on the traits of the merciful father?

What a blessing to be one of God's own, and what a blessing to have His presence and everyone's energy in worship this morning.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Longing Within

Great to be with you again in worship. Our focus was The Longing Within, the deep-rooted desire within us all to be connected with the Lord. We used the metaphor of thirst to give us an image of what this longing is like.

So let me throw out the question to you all: what are some ways you see our culture evidencing this longing, this searching, for something deeper? You heard me share my experience at Babies R Us, and our desire to quench the longing with material blessings, but what about you? What do you see?
Look forward to you thoughts, and see you on Sunday . . .

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Atmospheric Changes

Have you ever felt the energy in the air before a big storm? That is how I was feeling this Sunday for our first service of amplified. So many people have given so much to putting this service together, we just had to wait and see how it went. Well, it went great! To me one of the things that stood out this morning was the energy everyone brought to worship. It certainly was amplified! From the greetings in the beginning, to the different parts of the service, to the fellowship at the end there was energy in Kaiser hall, and it was great to be a part of. My prayer is that God would continue to bring that energy to worship in that space and he would use that energy to bring us and others closer to Him.
As part of a desire to keep that energy with us through the week and not leave it in Kaiser hall on Sundays, I hope you take the time to check out our blog and maybe even add a comment from time to time. Your comment could be a thought that came to you on the sermon topic during the service or throughout the week. Maybe it will be an applicable story you have or something you saw in your life.
This week's topic was part of our four-week sermon series on coming home and being right with God. Hopefully, we all saw the Genesis creation story in a little different light and understand the severity of not being in rhythm with God, but also the vast forgiveness God so generously gives in bringing us back to Him. You heard my thoughts, what are yours?
Looking forward to your comments to hold me over until next week...