Monday, August 27, 2007

First Sermon Series

September 9th is fast approaching, and we couldn't be more excited! Work is just about done on Kaiser Hall, and we'll post updated pictures shortly.
Our first sermon series, which will run for the first four weeks of worship, is entitled, "A Sort of Homecoming". Yes, this is a U2 song. But the idea of homecoming also describes what it's like to be right with the Lord, and it works well as we are starting up worship again in Kaiser Hall and in a way, kind of "coming home".
As this series gets going, we'll be posting the titles for each week, some thoughts on what we discussed in worship, and we'll open the conversation for your thoughts and input. My hope is that this will help extend your worship experience beyond a one hour block on Sunday morning to something you wrestle with all week.
As the launch of the service draws near, we continue to ask for your prayers.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Renovations Underway

On Mondays a group of people have been meeting at 6:30 to help remodel Kaiser Hall for the new contemporary service. So far the paneling has been removed and all the holes patched. It has been two nights of hard work already but there certainly seems to be an excitement in the air. Many thanks to all who have lent their energy and expertise so far. Tonight we will meet again to begin the painting process. All are welcome to join us just wear old clothes.

New Worship Schedule

Starting September 9th contemporary worship at St. Peter is moving to sunday mornings. The new service will take place in Kaiser Hall at 10:45am. Join us just after the bible study hour for some rocking worship!