Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Longing Within

Great to be with you again in worship. Our focus was The Longing Within, the deep-rooted desire within us all to be connected with the Lord. We used the metaphor of thirst to give us an image of what this longing is like.

So let me throw out the question to you all: what are some ways you see our culture evidencing this longing, this searching, for something deeper? You heard me share my experience at Babies R Us, and our desire to quench the longing with material blessings, but what about you? What do you see?
Look forward to you thoughts, and see you on Sunday . . .

1 comment:

Nikki said...

My husband and I were sitting on our patio tonight discussing your question. We struggle with spending a lot of time "doing" rather than "being." In our culture, everyone is keeping schedules jam packed with activities. We want our child to experience everything by age 5. We spend our energies "acting" like Christians. But what we really long for is to "be" a Christian and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in us.